Paint Thinner Monologue. Adapted from "Addicts like Us" by Matt Conley. 2024

Better Be Alien. Stream of Consciousness Jazz Jam with Grandma's Liquor Cabinet. 2024.

Rough cut of an untitled short still in development. Directed and shot by Kim Grey Ennis. 2023.

I'm Too Sad to Tell You. 2023.

This video is a recreation of Bas Jan Ader's conceptual artwork I'm Too Sad to Tell You (1970). The original is a silent B&W video of the artist crying for roughly three minutes.
The handkerchief I dab my eyes with in this video is dyed with turmeric. When an alkaline liquid makes contact with turmeric, it quickly oxidizes and turns scarlet. 
Tears are alkaline.
The effect is volatile and transient; the red marks fade rapidly and disappear completely when exposed to light. By the end of the following day, the fabric was back to yellow.

The Belarusian Prince's Steed. 2016.

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