Improvisational. Whimsical. Absurd. At times dark. Frequently birdlike. James Acaster said I was cool once.​​​​​​​

Samz Scriptz, London, 2024 (10 min)

Grandma's Liquor Cabinet, London, 2024 (7 min)

Toothbrush Burlesque at Soho Theatre, 2024

Clowning for Charity: Pay Me to Stop for WWF, 2023 (5 min)

Improvised standup. Sunday Shtick, London, 2023 (5 min)

Dark comedy. The Laughing Spree, Berlin, 2023 (5 min)

I am a non-male alternative cabaret variety act based in London. I have been performing regular paid spots up to twenty minutes and headlining since the beginning of the year, mostly at alternative comedy nights and cabarets in Brighton and London. I perform clown, improv, character comedy, and experimental jazz. I incorporate props, crowdwork, and audience participation into my performances.
I performed at Soho Theatre as part of the Spring/Summer Cabaret and Drag Lab with a silly/sexy/scary Toothbrush Burlesque.
I often start my standup sets in a bird mask, harassing the front row with a nose flute and a sign that says "Pay Me to Stop." After that, it gets a bit chaotic. I use five minute open spots to generate new material live and out loud for a captive audience—these performances are entirely improvised.
I have been developing several costume/character bits, such as: a full body green screen suit with a hideous black wig, a full-head chameleon mask with satsumas for eyes, which I eat during the act, and Merkin the Unfuckable, a wizard drag thing dressed only in gobs and gobs of hair.
I am the vocalist in the experimental jazz band Grandma’s Liquor Cabinet.
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